Be like a child
In August 2019 I had the opportunity to visit Haiti on a mission trip. Even today, years later, I relive each of the experiences we had during those days. God manifested himself in so many ways, and spoke into our lives in so many ways. While in Haiti, we had the opportunity to work with a network of orphanages, approximately 360 children. It was certainly a beautiful experience. It was the first time I had been with such a large group of children for several days in a row. Being with the children in this environment was very different from what we were able to witness before these days. These children were constantly cheerful, despite their circumstances. They enjoyed every detail, and were grateful, they had a genuine and contagious joy. Day after day we saw these children enjoying their surroundings, wanting to make us part of their joy. They trusted that the next day, when they woke up in the camp, it would be the same.
It was such a different image than what we could witness from a distance in some adults. In the adults there was an evident and genuine desperation in wanting and being able to take advantage of every moment of water and light; every opportunity for economic gain or other things. It is understandable, since their livelihood depends on it. The contrast in intergenerational concerns became so real to me being there.
As I thought about it, I couldn't help but think of the Gospels. When Jesus tells his disciples “let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like them” Matthew 19:14 NIV. I have heard this passage over and over again. But it was being in Haiti that it took on another meaning in my heart. Unlike the adults, the children we met were confident. These children were not busy thinking that they might not have something later. The children marveled at every detail, no matter how small it might be. They sat at the table, because they knew that there they would find their food. They slept peacefully, because they knew that they would see a new dawn.
We get to know the stories of many of years. Some walked for hours and hours alone, until they were able to find the orphanage that cares for them today. Some were taken to that place because their relative could not take care of one more mouth. Some were mistreated, and today they bear the scars of that time in their lives. Some were left alone, and were found just in time. Some know what it is like to live hungry and thirsty. Some know what it means to take care of themselves from a very young age. These children remember their past, but they do not live in it. Being like a child is so necessary to go to heaven. In Matthew 6:25-26 NIV we find the words of Jesus when he said:
“That is why I tell you: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; nor for their body, how they will dress. Is not life more valuable than food, and the body more valuable than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store in barns; However, the heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than them?
We live in a hurry, desperate to reach the goal without enjoying the journey. We are self-sufficient. We do not know how to depend on God, so it even seems illogical to us. Throughout the Bible we can find many passages that talk about God's provision, and how he works on our behalf. How much we need to be like these children. Trust that there is someone who takes care of us. Understand that it is not necessary to live from what has already happened. See our scars, understanding that God freed us from evil. Enjoy every detail, no matter how small it may seem. In Matthew 6:33-34 it says
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day already has its own problems."
We can look to heaven and know that timely help comes from there (Hebrews 6:16). Trust that the one who cares for you does not lull you to sleep (Psalm 121:3).
What things prevent you from approaching God as the children approached Jesus? What scars from the past have you tied to living in it? Why is it difficult for you to be like a child?
He will keep him in complete peace whose mind is stayed on him; to him who has put his trust in him (Is. 26:3).
Photo: Missionary trip to Colombia (July 2023)